CSCU-SUNY Resource Sharing

I added a link to a training document from SUNY in the Links section.

W-9 Form for billing

There is a blank copy of the fillable W-9 form in Teams, in the Access Services, Interlibrary Loan folder. We can send this when requested by other libraries who we are billing for lost materials.

Protected: Disbursement forms for lost ILL materials

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Dummy Requests – updates

We no longer have to do Dummy requests. Open OCLC Worldshare, find the record. Look on the upper right hand side there is a refund button.

Illiad Upgrade

We upgraded from ILLiad 8.4 to ILLiad 9.0.3 on May 30, 2019.

ILLiad to Tipasa Community at OCLC

From Christa Starck at OCLC

The ILLiad to Tipasa Community has officially launched! We had a great time talking with everyone we met during ALA and look forward to continuing the conversations in this new community space.

If you visited the ILLiad to Tipasa Welcome page following the initial announcement, you are set with access to the new community. Just visit and log in using the same credentials you used to access the welcome page. Make sure to subscribe to both the Discussion and News boards so all content is sent directly to your email.

If you are not sure what credentials to use, find the option below that best describes your situation.

  1. I know my WorldShare ILL credentials, or I already have credentials to access the OCLC Community Center for another product or service.

If you know your WorldShare ILL credentials or have credentials for any other OCLC product that has Community Center space, you can use those to access the new ILLiad to Tipasa Community. If your institution subscribes to any of the following products, and you have credentials to access that product, use that username & password to log in and access the Community Center:

  • WorldCat Discovery
  • WorldShare Analytics
  • WorldShare Acquisitions
  • WorldShare Circulation
  • WorldShare Collection Manager
  • WorldShare Interlibrary Loan
  • WorldShare License Manager
  • WorldShare Record Manager

If you have requested credentials to access either of the following communities, you can also use these to access the new ILLiad to Tipasa community:

  • EZproxy

To test access and make sure you can take full advantage of all of the information sharing opportunities when the community launches, complete the following steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Select your institution and use your WorldShare ILL credentials to sign in. If you can access this space, you can bookmark this page, and you will just need to log in to access the new community when it is launched.

If your credentials do not work, move to option two or three. If you can log in to the Community Center, but cannot view the ILLiad to Tipasa Welcome page, contact

  1. I know my institution’s nine-digit service authorization number and password associated with my WorldShare ILL subscription.

If you know your institution’s nine-digit service authorization number and corresponding password, you can use these to create your own WorldShare account to access the Community Center. If you know this information or can obtain it from your institution, follow the instructions under “Create an account” on the OCLC Services account page.

  1. I do not have WorldShare credentials and do not know my nine-digit service authorization number and system/admin password.

If neither option one nor two applies to you, please submit the following form:,  and OCLC Order Services will create credentials for you, associated with your institution.

If you have any additional questions about accessing the Community Center or–

Christa Starck
OCLC · Senior Product Manager, Global Product Management
6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin, Ohio USA 43017
T +1-614-764-6335

Doing the monthly ILL STATISTICS

USE Firefox. ILLiad automatically opens to IE. But, when you check off the Groups that you want, IE will not sort the the LVIS etc groups anymore.

Firefox will. USE IT. Chrome might work too.

For the RARE FEDEX shipments

Talk to Theresa first with the details of the shipment
When Theresa Ok’s it
Call Mailroom: (Kate x22528) for how the pickup should be handled, either Mailroom or Library. If sending to Mailroom, send interoffice.
Call to arrange the pick-up
TM pays the bill.

We will use this with great discretion you describe below. The account number is 4836-9020-7, and Fedex’s phone is 1-800-463-3339.

-OR- we can drop the package off in a FEDEX bin.

Where to send I-9 forms from other libraries

As of today, we now send these forms to Rosemarie Harrington in Business Services.   It is no longer Alyssa or Lori James.


New CCar List

I have put a new CCAR list in the folder. They publish it with the September-June delivery schedule and the July-August schedule. I have separated them. This basically changes the number of days libraries are getting deliveries. It does not impact the library codes.